Thursday, November 28, 2019

William Golding A Rapist Essays - Rape, Laws Regarding Rape

William Golding: A Rapist? The Nobel laureate Sir William Golding, whose novel Lord of the Flies turned notions of childhood innocence on their head, admitted in private papers that he had tried to rape a 15-year-old girl during his teenage years, it emerged today. - The Huffington Post, Sep 16, 2009. William Golding the author of the boys book Lord of the Flies had tried to rape a girl. Rape: forced, unwanted sexual intercourse. Rape is never okay. It doesnt matter if it is from someone who is the same age as you to someone who could be your child or grandchild or someone who could be your mother or grandfather. Rape is unacceptable no matter who does it(or attempts to) to who is the victim. You may say its okay because they are the same age or close to the same age, no. Rape is never justifiable even if the person is drugged, dead, intoxicated, or just walking in the street with little clothes on. I saw online about this experiment and people were asked there was a woman outside and she wasnt wearing a top and got raped, is it justified? Almost all of them said yes, then the person said the girl was 5 and was raped by her father. All of them who said yes started immediately taking back what they had previously said and were now saying that it was wrong and unjustifiable. No, it would have been unjustifiable anyways. Celebrity Shia Lebeouf got raped by a women and kept silent and because he is a man and kept quiet for so long people are now saying that hes making it up. That is wrong, people who are raped go silent for a long time because they are scared of the judgement that comes with saying that they were raped. There should only be judgement on the person who attempted or did the crime. My hatred for him is not all because he didnt include women in his novel, other than the pig which could be taken extremely rudely. I understand why he didnt include women, because he is a male, he can not speak from a females point of view and do it correctly or easily because in some senses females and males are very different when it comes to the way some think, but, they are also vastly ranged in thoughts just in the one category or one being smarter or stronger or more of a leader. My hatred for him goes down deeper, as a woman who has not had to deal with rape but has heard enough about it that she is not allowed to go out at night because of the thought that she might get raped. Most men, especially teenagers and immature adults, are only scared of going to jail because they dont want to be raped or drop the soap. Some men do get raped out of jail and some men dont, some women get raped on the streets and some women dont. However, the risk for women is higher than the risk for men even though they could be wearing the exact same outfit but because women are supposed to be so conservative that if they go out in a revealing outfit they are basically waiting for the judgement to be put on them if they get raped because people will say you asked for it. No one asks to be raped. William Golding will always be, in my eyes, a terrible man because he attempted rape.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom British Empire essay

buy custom British Empire essay British North America refers to states that were colonized by British Empire located in the north of the America continent; the most visible countries include Canada. The British colonies in that region date back before 18th century but the changes in economic, demographic, social and cultural changes affected the colony towards and after the 18th century. The 18th century was characterised by industrial revolution which started in United Kingdom and later spread to other parts of Eastern Europe, North America and Asia (Leigh 22). Industrial revolution brought about changes in economic, political and social cultural conditions of the time (Hackett 21). It was the period referred to as the era of enlightenment (world, it was a period in which religion believe of was replaced by the scientific reasoning (Hackett 33). Advancement in peoples way of questioning what was traditionally believed to be true changed many ways of doing things at that time in history. These revoluti ons brought in the conflict between the rulers and people. This era occurred at different times in different places of the world, but is believed to have occurred between 17th and 18th century both in Europe and America. These changes affected the imperial contest of the proceeding 18th century and overturned the worlds powers forever (Leigh 37). Industrial revolution led to improved means of production. These changes spread from Europe to America and other parts of the world. These led to new worlds orders and British colonies were now being lost to other emerging world powers (Hackett 52). This empowerment also brought resistance by the people who were colonised and may have led to America war against British in 1812 (Leigh 54). According to Leigh (93), with the improvement in economic welfare of the population, changes developed in the demographic pattern and sizes. There started development of towns and trading places, People clustered along those places (Leigh 94). There was also increment in life expectancy due to improvement in peoples lifestyles and healthy facilities. This concentration of people improved communication, where North American people learned of their mistreatment and planned how to counter the British imperial rule (Hackett 97). There was spread of various protestant churches from Europe. Those churches were not united and thus they worked to weaken those from United Kingdom .There were changes in arts and music (Leigh 102). This changed ways of expression and communications (Hackett 114). These improvements led to more people demanding their independence rights and thus weakening the Imperial ruling of United Kingdom (Leigh 119). Most of these changes brought enlightenment to the colonized population, changed economic and political power house from the traditional countries of United Kingdom to other European and American countries, thus leading to imperial contest of 18th century (Hackett 163) Buy custom British Empire essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Article review 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article review 2 - Essay Example rules and concepts that govern the field of accounting as the basic accounting  principles and guidelines that form the basis for Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The article notes the requirement and importance of using the generally accepted accounting principles in the preparation of financial statements. The GAAP ensures professionalism, consistency,  and uniformity in accounting. However, the article notes that GAAP have become more complex over the years because financial transactions have become more complex. The article recognizes ten basic accounting principles and guidelines that form the basis of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. They include the economic entity assumption, monetary unit assumption, time period assumption, cost principle, full disclosure principle, going concern principle, matching principle, revenue recognition principle, materiality, and conservatism principle (Accounting Coach 1). I agree with the article’s position and insight on the basic accounting principles and guidelines for various informed reasons. Indeed, all financial statements must comply with the set rules and standards to reflect professionalism, consistency, and uniformity in accounting. Public organizations must present financial statements to the shareholders and directors quoting the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles used to reach at such financial positions. The use of such principles is significant in accounting since the operations, shareholders, and directors of public companies emanate from all over the world hence the need for a standardized code of accounting to represent the diverse backgrounds of the concerned parties. This is also significant in comparing different public companies. The ten basic accounting principles and guidelines relevantly encompass all the financial aspects and needs of any business entity, big or small. The points discussed in the article,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financial Forecasting TESCO Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial Forecasting TESCO Plc - Essay Example For estimating the revenues earned by the business, the Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over the last four years has been used. The revenue earned by the company during the year 2005 was  £33974 million. This increased at a CAGR of 12% to  £54327 million in the year 2009. Assuming that the rate of growth remains the same in 2010, the estimated revenue of the company for this year is estimated to be  £61091.81 million. The cost of sales is taken as a percentage of revenue at 0.92. Therefore the estimated cost of sales of the company for 2010 is  £56348.58 million. The â€Å"Normal Operating Expenses† of  £31845 million for the year 2005 is assumed to be the ‘cost of sales’ for the year. The operating costs of the company depend on the level of sales. Higher the sales level, higher is the amount of operating expenses of the company. This ratio is calculated as 0.02. Based on this ratio the operating cost of the company is estimated as  £1403.40 mill ion. It has been assumed that the net interest payable of the company grows at a compounding rate of return. Based on the net interest expense of  £170 million in 2005, the CAGR for the four year period is calculated as 21% making the estimated net interest payable of the company for 2010 to be  £437.29 million. Taxation and dividend- In the year 2005 and 2010, Tesco Plc paid taxes at a rate of 20% and 40% respectively. The CAGR of taxes is calculated as 19% making 48% as the forecasted tax rate for 2010. Therefore the estimated taxation of Tesco Plc is  £1386.44 million. The dividend paid by the company has increased at a CAGR of 19% from  £587 million in 2005 to  £883 million in 2009. From this the forecasted dividend of Tesco Plc is estimated as  £977.89 million. The revenue of Tesco Plc is expected to grow in 2010 by  £6765 million. For this the company will need total funds of  £5734.52 million. As a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Marketing Orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Orientation - Essay Example Both the methods are commonly employed. In this paper, we will employ the Narver and Slater methods to establish the scale for market orientation. Though both the said scales have their own advantages and disadvantages, the Narver and Slater scale has specific specialties to match the needs of a large organization. In the course of the study, the method will be employed for studying the McDonald's Restaurant chain which is very common and the questionnaire suggested by Narver and Slater was used to check the market orientation of this company. Market orientation of a firm has been found to have a strong and positive link with the performance of the company by a number of researchers (Matsuno, Mentzer and Ozsomer, 2002). There are also other research outcomes which are not in favor of such positive link (Han, Kim and Srivastava, 1998). A similar study of the same nature on small sized companies and retailers indicate that the retailers are more customer oriented compared to the small companies. Overall, though there are disputable claims on the market orientation on the performance of the company and the extent to which they are related, the counter claims do no augur well with the results that have been obtained in the field over a period of time. With a large economic growth and integration over the last decade, the effectiveness of the market orientation has been more pronounced on the performance of the company. Therefore, a number of methods have been evolved in order to measure the market orientation and to correlate performance vis--vis market orientation. Measuring Market Orientation Market orientation is measured using a number of methods. The works of Deshpande (1993) and that of Wrenn (1997) have helped in evolving a framework for the purpose. Market orientation, according to Narver and Slater (1990), comprises of three dimensions, viz., customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination. While the suggestion of Kohli and Jarowski on Market orientation looked at a complete process of the company and the impact of market orientation on the entire process. If the impact on every one of the processes is gauged then the same can be the metric for market orientation. The method suggested by Narver and Slater has been adopted in this paper. This divides the entire framework of measurement into three dimensions. A questionnaire has been suggested by the researchers that comprises of fourteen different questions primarily grouped under the three heads already cited. The method employs a seven factor scale that will help in judging the size of the orientation by summing the response for every one of the identified factors. This works as a perception of the person on the specific factor and the company's orientation as viewed by the customer or the employ or the vendor. This provides for a 360 degree rating of the company in the prescribed matter. Sample Organization and its market orientation The organization taken into consideration is the McDonalds, the restaurant chain in the US and the World. McDonalds has changed its approach to the market and its market orientation is pretty high; particularly, because of its service oriented nature. This has made the company respond to the needs of the clients much more swiftly than some of the other companies that are not

Friday, November 15, 2019

Emerging Issues In Tourism Tourism Essay

Emerging Issues In Tourism Tourism Essay As one of the largest industries, tourism has had an average annual increase of 6.6 per cent over the last half century, with international travel rising continuously and alternative tourism having a main role in this transaction. Nature-based tourism and ecotourism, with accepted definitions through tourism industry will be discussed in this report. Uniqueness and differences of ecotourism from mass tourism will be explained and benefits of ecotourism will be referred as well. An ecotourism destination; Galapagos Islands will be briefly introduced and the strategies being implemented in the specific destination will be indentified. Ecotourism is significant, special nowadays for the environment, the culture and also for the economy. So, what is the future of ecotourism? Will the efficient use of the natural resources and heritage of Galapagos Islands be a sufficient factor to maintain the importance of ecotourism? The future will be discussed as well. Tourism is a complex sector with many challenges and chances at the same time. Α attempt to define tourism and to describe its scope fully must consider the various groups that participate in and are affected by the tourist, such as the tourist, the host community, the government and the businesses providing the product. Charles R. Goeldner defined tourism (2009): Tourism may be defined as the processes, activities and outcomes arising from the relationships and the interactions among tourists, tourism suppliers, host governments, host communities, and surrounding environments, that are involved in the attracting and hosting of visitors. Tourism as an industry deserves significant criticism, not least because in many cases it contributes to the decline of natural areas. A form of tourism inspired by the natural history of an area is ecotourism. Travelling to locations full of natural resources for enjoyment, which at the same time protects the fauna, flora and the ecosystem , as well as the people. Below a more formal definition of ecotourism and nature-based tourism is delivered by Goodwin (1996: 288): Nature-based tourism encompasses all forms of tourism-mass tourism, adventure tourism, low impact tourism, ecotourism- which we use natural resources in a wild or undeveloped form- including species, habitat, landscape, scenery and salt and fresh-water features. Nature tourism is travel for the purpose of enjoying undeveloped natural areas of wildlife. Ecotourism is low impact tourism which contributes to the maintenance of species and habitats either directly through a contribution to conservation and/or indirectly by providing revenue to the local community sufficient for local people to value, and therefore protect their wildlife heritage area as a source of income. Furthermore, someone could say that ecotourism is an educational travelling that provides great knowledge to its participants. The practices of ecotourism are mentioned below: Green Tourism, Alternative Tourism, Endemic Tourism, Wildlife Tourism, Adventure Tourism, Geotourism, Nature-based Tourism, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism. 1.2 The importance and the role of the sustainable tourism in eco tourism. Sustainability is generally an ambition of tourism to have the lowest impact in economy, environment and culture as well. Sustainable development has been proposed as a model for a structural change within society. Sustainable tourism is an extension of the new emphasis on sustainable development (Sadler: 1992). One of the first strategies on tourism and sustainability emerged from the Globe 90 conference in British Columbia, Canada. At this conference representatives from the tourism industry, government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and academe discussed the importance of the environment in sustaining the tourism industry, and how poorly tourism developments, that attract the visitors, destroy the quality of the natural and human environment. To Tourism Concern (1992), sustainable tourism is: Tourism and associated infrastructures that, both now and in the future; operate within natural capacities for the regeneration and future productivity of natural resources; recognize the contribution that people and communities, customs and lifestyles, make to the tourism experience; accept that these people must have an equitable share in the economic benefits of tourism; are guided by the wishes of local people and communities in the host areas. Eco tourism is a small, though growing industry. There is much faith in the work that eco tourists do and they face a lot of problems and challenges in achieving a sustainable development. Sustainable tourism includes specific practices such as the carrying capacity, the visitor impact management, the visitor activity and the limits of acceptable change that are used in protected areas. It is essential to note, here, that if these strategies are implemented successfully sustainable tourism will provide historical development and will increase the environmental awareness. Sustainable development and eco tourism are two terms that match together and try to create a guideline for successful tourism in the eco destinations. 1.3 The importance of ecotourism The principles ecotourism serves are defined by many sociologists the last years and acknowledge the importance of ecotourism. Firstly, ecotourism minimizes the negative impact to the environment and to the local people. Ecotourism provides a big amount of environmental and cultural awareness to both visitors and hosts. The support of human rights is another principle important to mention. Ecotourism provides direct benefits in economy of the local people and improves the sensitivity of the locals for the environment, culture and heritage. Ecotourism provides benefits to both hosts and local people. Ecotourism generates foreign exchange for the country and injects capital and new money into the local economy. Ecotourism often takes travelers to undiscovered areas where nature still exists with no transformation at all. It gives to the visitor the advantage of education and discovering new places that are far away from the usual trends. Educational ecotourism offers to the tourists the privilege of being aware of the danger they may cost to the environment, in order to protect it. Resorts and hotels around the world started to go green by reducing their energy use and investing their money to eco friendly products. Ecotourism also protects the threatened wildlife of the ecosystems by bringing local and worldwide awareness. As ecotourism works in a location, it respects the peoples culture and values. It provides a chance for relaxation and exploration and evaluation of self. 2.0 Emerging Issues of ecotourism of Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. 2.1 Brief Introduction of Galapagos Islands An eco destination that features inspiring stories about destinations and provides great travelling experiences. The Galapagos Archipelago is a cluster of some 13 volcanic islands and associated islets and rocks located just under the equator, about 600 miles (1000km) west of Ecuador in South America. The oldest of the islands are about 4 million years old and the youngest are still in the process of being formed. These Islands that tourists visit on Galapagos cruises are considered to be one of the most active volcanic areas in the world. About 95% of the islands are part of the Galapagos National Park system, with the remainder being inhabited by about 14,000 people in four major communities (Puerto Ayora, Puerto Baquerizo, Puerto Villamil and Floreana). The Galapagos National Park Service and the Charles Darwin Research Station jointly operate the islands. The Park Service provides rangers and guides, and is responsible for overseeing the many tourists who visit each year. The Darwin Station conducts scientific research and conservation programs. It is currently breeding and releasing captive tortoises and iguanas. This group of 13 mayor islands and dozens of smaller islets and rocks all the result of volcanic activity certainly appear to be out of this world. They are, in fact, an unpredicted wilderness, filled with extraordinary populations of unique species, which have developed apart from humans and their dominating influence. In an effort to preserve the islands as they were centuries ago, the Galapagos have been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. An eco tourism destination with rich heritage and great experiences to offer. 2.2 Presentation and evaluation of ecotourism strategies implemented by Galapagos Islands Ecotourism was already practiced since the 1960s in the islands, with two Ecuadorian inbound tour operators based in Quito, working together with an American outbound operator. The number of vessels was small, two cruise boats, twelve passengers 39 sailing vessel and a sixty-passenger luxury liner. At the same time the companies worked very closely with the Darwin station and the National Park. During the 1970s tourism infrastructure grew slowly, but from 1974 to 1980 it had a boom that almost double folded the amount of visitors. The foreign owned floating hotels represents the major activity and they are the strong economic and political influence for the islands. The principles or guidelines for Ecotourism projects in the Islands began to develop in the international arena in the 1990s. Internet search engines were used to identify ecotourism cruise operations in the Galapagos Islands using the search times ecotourism and Galapagos Islands. Adventure tours and nature tours were not used as search terms. As of November 1, 2009, fifteen company websites identified themselves as ecotours in the Galapagos Islands. That showed a big movement through internet for the development of tourism in Galapagos Islands. Education of the local population and visitors in the natural history of the Galapagos is a goal of the Station and the Park and programs are conducted in the Islands and on the mainland. An intensive course for naturalist guides, which is required to supervise visitors to Park sites, is conducted annually. Educated bilingual naturalist guides and auxiliary guides are taken place at Galapagos Islands, offering valuable information and help to visitors.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Grendel :: essays research papers

Authors often have to choose between concentrating on either plot or social commentary when writing their novels; in John Gardener's Grendel, any notion of a plot is forgone in order for him to share his thoughts about late sixties-early seventies America and the world's institutions as a whole. While Grendel's exploits are nearly indecipherable and yawn inducing, they do provide the reader with the strong opinions the author carries. This existentialistic novel can be seen clearly as a narrative supporting nihilism in its many forms. Most easily, the reader will be able to see the blatant religious subtext in the guise of corrupt priests and the foolish faithful. There is also some negativity placed on the notion of the old being the wise. Gardener deems hero idolization unacceptable as well; knowledge that the Vietnam War was prevalent at the time gives additional insight into his complaints. Religion plays a large role in Grendel. Priests do not want to perform their services without the proper payment which, in turn, causes the rich to be able to become the most 'religious.' The citizens of the village are also confusingly poly- and monotheistic. When praying to their king god does not decrease the frequency of Grendel's visits, they retreat to begging any god of which they have known for help. This reveals their faith to be not faith at all but rather faith that will remain faith as long as it can be proven. A proven religious faith is contradictory term, for it can only be placed in a religion that cannot be proven lest it is true faith no longer. Grendel's interludes with the dragon portray, at their onsets, the dragon as a worldly, wise creature with much to share. The dragon haughtily informs Grendel about his vast store of knowledge as he teases him with how much he knows. As Grendel's interests are piqued, the dragon expends the cumulative result of his travails: "Know how much you've got, and beware of strangers†¦My advice to you, my violent friend, is to seek out gold and sit on it." Although the dragon serves as a vessel to point out the necessity of Grendel and makes some pointed observations about mankind, all his respectability is lost with those two short sentences. The author is making an observation about materialism and the falsehood of wisdom always accompanying age. After all his years of intense scrutiny, the dragon can only grasp from human- and animalkind alike that possessions are the key to life's existence. Nature against society is also discussed in Grendel. The fact that citizens surrounded with religion and social status could be so easily overtaken by nature (Grendel) gives a sense of